BirmingHAM Fest is this weekend at the Zamora Shrine
James Nicholas the XDMAN
This is the National Association for Amateur Radio trade show
March 4-5, 2016 Doors open at 4:00 PM on Friday and close at 7:00 PM. The hamfest will reopen at 8:30 AM on Saturday and close at 4:00 PM with the grand prize drawing.
Zamora Temple
3521 Ratliff Road
Irondale, AL
Talk-in will be available on the Club's 146.88 MHz repeater. (PL 88.5)
- Expected hamfest vendors include:
AC & DC Electronics - Alabama Historical Radio Society
- B&W Jewelry
- BridgeCom Systems, Inc.
- Dave Hinsey
- Ham World
- JMR Sales
- Max-Gain Systems (Alan Bond)
- MCM Computers
- MFJ Enterprises
- Mike Fambrough (the “Motorola Guy”)
- Quick Silver Radio
- RF Adapter Guy
- Sam Adams
- The Signman
- The Wireman
- VIS Amateur Supply
Admission is $8.00 and this includes 1 prize ticket. Admission is good for both days of the Hamfest. Children under 12 are free.
Grand Prize: Honda EU2000i Generator. This drawing will be at 4:00 PM on Saturday and the winner does NOT have to be present to win.
Hourly Prizes
Yaesu FT-2900R 65W 2 meter mobile
Kenwood TM-281A 2-meter mobile
ICOM IC-V80-HD-35 (two of these)
MFJ-4125 25A Power Supply
$75 Gift Certificate that can be used with ANY VENDOR while at the hamfest
1920’s Antique Radio (fully restored by the Alabama Historical Radio Society)
and an Icom ID-880H dual band D-STAR (to be awarded at noon on Saturday to the youngest ham at the hamfest).
… plus other items.
Hourly drawings will begin at 6:00 PM on Friday and then again at 10:00 AM on Saturday. The winner must claim the prize before 2:45 PM on Saturday. At 3:00 additional drawings will be held as necessary to clear any and all unclaimed prizes.
License Exams
Amateur radio license exams will be given at 9:00 AM on Saturday in Room #4 (upstairs; Club Room).The $8 Hamfest admission is not required for testing. Those wishing to test will need to bring two forms of ID (one with a picture), and a copy of any existing Amateur License or CSCE, if applicable. The testing fee is $15 for anyone over 16 years old. Fees for those 16 and under will be paid by the Birmingham Amateur Radio Club on their behalf. For more information contact John Outland, K3FP