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3521 Ratliff Road
Irondale, AL, 35210
United States


The Zamora Shriners are Birmingham Alabama's Temple of the Shriners International. Shriners are a Masonic fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. With nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world. Our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks of life.


Whats Happening at Zamora is a page dedicated to our current events. 

Filtering by Tag: February

The Twice As Nice Sale packs the the house at the Zamora Shrine Center

James Nicholas the XDMAN

I have never seen so many people in the Zamora Shrine center at one time. Both parking lots were basically full and there was overflow parking all the overflow parking was also jam packed. The crowd was here to take advantage of the great prices at the Twice as nice Sale hosted by the Birmingham Area Mothers of Multiples. Don't forget that Saturday is day two of this event form 8am - 12:30pm. 

February Stated Meeting - Budget Agenda

James Nicholas the XDMAN

We had a great turnout for the February Stated meeting, with a big shout out to the Kitchen staff....The BBQ was great. If you missed the meeting here are some of the highlights. 

  • We elected John Akens to the finance committee. 
  • The 2016 budget was unanimously approved. 
  • Jerry Wayne Thomas showed off his great curly locks! 
  • Winston Each reported on the 2014 Lineville car show. The car show raised 10 thousand dollars for the Greenville Shrine Hospital. Winston will present the check to the hospital at the 2016 Annual Shriner Days on Friday, March 11 and Saturday March 12th.