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3521 Ratliff Road
Irondale, AL, 35210
United States


The Zamora Shriners are Birmingham Alabama's Temple of the Shriners International. Shriners are a Masonic fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. With nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world. Our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks of life.


Whats Happening at Zamora is a page dedicated to our current events. 

Filtering by Tag: Ohio

Our visit to the Cincinnati Shrine Hospital

James Nicholas the XDMAN

I got the pleasure of taking a Road Runner trip up to the Cincinnati Shrine Hospital. This is my second visit to this facility and while I had more time on this trip I wanted to show off this hospital. As a Noble you should be proud of this facility, it is one of the best burn hospitals in the country. Located just outside the heart of downtown Cincinnati at 3229 Burnet Ave above you can see a panorama of the front of the hospital. During our visit we met Road Runners from as far away as the Alee Shrine in Savannah Ga. That's a 12 plus hr trip each way for them with perfect traffic. 

One of the interesting things to note, this was the first hospital I have visited that did not have the "Silent Messenger" statue displayed in the front of the hospital but instead the hospital proudly displays the Shrine Scimitar. 

The other interesting part about this Shrine hospital is that if you visit you do not enter through the main front doors. When visiting you need to drive past the main entrance then turn into the parking garage hit the intercom button and let them know who you are. Visiter's come in through the side door on Level one. 

Each Shrine hospital has a theme, Cincinnati's is that of a whimsical old time town square. The reason for the theme is that we want the kids to feel at ease by creating an atmosphere that does not feel like a hospital.