Day 2 - Greenville Hospital Shriner Days 2016
James Nicholas the XDMAN
Day two at the Greenville Shrine Hospital. Todays events included our very own Winston Each delivering a check for 10,000 for the Hospital from the Lineville Car Show fundraiser. We learned what Cerebral Palsy was and the extensive work the Greenville Hospital does to treat it. We met the new Chief of Staff Dr Michael Wattenbarger and countless other members of the Hospital staff. The common there throughout the visit was the welcoming nature and it seemed like everyone truly loved what they were doing to help improve the lives of Children. During the tour we learned just how expensive the treatments can be. In some of the spinal surgeries it can require almost 50 Titanium screws that can cost right at 500.00 each. The highlight of the day was getting to meet and hear from some of the Shrine kids each with a smile bigger than the last. By the end of the tour we were beat and it showed.