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3521 Ratliff Road
Irondale, AL, 35210
United States


The Zamora Shriners are Birmingham Alabama's Temple of the Shriners International. Shriners are a Masonic fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. With nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world. Our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks of life.


Whats Happening at Zamora is a page dedicated to our current events. 

Fezzy & Divan Ladies collect 1750.00 for paper sale

James Nicholas the XDMAN

Shelia Collins.  Husband Gary Collins of Opelika, Al.   Bought her tickets at the Lineville Car Show.  They drove to Zamora Tues December 22nd to pick him up.  Fezzy collected $1750.00 for the PaperSale.  Divan Ladies want to thank each and everyone that helped and contributed to the donation total.  Trim Shop thank you too ever so much.  They worked hard at tickets, photo ops and even loaned him a really cool ride.

Zamora Awards Night & Christmas Party

James Nicholas the XDMAN

The annual Zamora Christmas Party and awards night. A great crowd of came out to support the Nobles that support the Shrine. We would like to congratulate Noble Lee Yarbrough on earning the title of Zamora's 2015 Shriner of the year. 

Meet the New Nobles - Cold Class Dec 2015

James Nicholas the XDMAN

10 new Nobles were initiated into the Zamora Shrine tonight at the Dixie Shrine Club. We had a nice crowed in attendance to support these new Nobles.