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3521 Ratliff Road
Irondale, AL, 35210
United States


The Zamora Shriners are Birmingham Alabama's Temple of the Shriners International. Shriners are a Masonic fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. With nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world. Our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks of life.


Whats Happening at Zamora is a page dedicated to our current events. 

Cold Class @ Gadsden Shrine Club

James Nicholas the XDMAN

We initiated 6 new brothers tonight at the Gadsden Shrine Club. I would like to introduce you to the new brothers and if you run into them please give them a good welcome to Zamora. 

Above from left to right the new nobles, Rickey Maze II, Larry Underwood, Nicholas Britto, Matthew Roberts, Samuel Roberts, William Mink II. 

Road Runners April Update

James Nicholas the XDMAN

Here is the second of Road Runners transportation monthly updates. 
You should be proud of your Shrine, in the month of April Zamora helped change the lives of 9 different children.
Zamora Roadrunners provided 4 van trips.
1 trip was to transport 1 child to the Cincinnati Hospital
3 Trips transported 4 different children to the Greenville Hospital.
Zamora provided 4 hotel rooms for families traveling independently to the Greenville Hospital.
Winston also wanted to thank the following for donations made to the transportation fund.
Gadsden Shrine Club
Ham Radio Unit
Non Motorized
Scott Wadsworth
The Racing Wheel Inc Cleveland Alabama
The Blind Man Store

Paper Sale kick off was a great night. Tim Vaughan had patient Bro Jack Leggett a Hospital Child who became a Mason then a Shriner. Noble Leggett spoke of his experience as a burn patient. Followed by Kelley, a patient’s mother who talked about how her child has improved enough that her child can now walk. Winston said that the most amazing thing in his eyes were the different patient’s stages. Stage one having completed treatment---stage two completed surgery----Another child was set up for surgery ---and one new patient is waiting for their fist appointment.

Kerbela Potentate Awarded Honorary Zamora Membership

James Nicholas the XDMAN

 Chief Rabban Tom Gaskins and Lady Pat presented the Kerbela Potentate Illustrious Sir Charles Clawson an honorary membership to the Zamora Shrine. They also presented a check to Lady Joyce Kinser for the Kerbela Shrine for their transportation fund. The Kerbela Temple in Knoxville, Tn holds a yearly big Smoky Mountain Fun Fest in Pigeon Forge, Tn. Pat and Tom have attended the event multiple times over the years and they always have a great time.  This year was the 40th year for the event and it included a huge parade, ceremonial, hospitality, pool parties, golf tournament and a wonderful ball. Pat said that Potentate Illustrious Sir Charles Clawson and Lady Joyce Kinser had laid out a beautiful weekend and it was truly a Fun Fest.  

Road Runners March Update

James Nicholas the XDMAN

Here is the first of Road Runners transportation monthly updates. 

You should be proud of your Shrine, in the month of March Zamora helped change the lives of 15 different children. 

Zamora Roadrunners provided 6 van trips.
1 trip was to transport 1 child to the Cincinnati Hospital
5 Trips transported 8 different children to the Greenville Hospital.

Zamora provided 6 hotel rooms for families traveling independently to the Greenville Hospital. 

Winston also wanted to thank the following for donations made to the transportation fund. 
Wharton-Dykes VFW post #2760
Center Point Methodist Church
The Greeters Unit
Sher Power
Ron Patrick in memory of Lamar Chastain