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3521 Ratliff Road
Irondale, AL, 35210
United States


The Zamora Shriners are Birmingham Alabama's Temple of the Shriners International. Shriners are a Masonic fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. With nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world. Our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks of life.


Director of Units - Ralph Weeks

Assistant Secretary - Tim Vaughn
Parade Marshall - Johnnie Alderson

Unit Directors Meeting - First Monday Of Each Month

Unit                                         Meets Monthly On            Director

Clown Unit                                  1st  Friday                        Brian Fason

Communications Unit               1st Wednesday                Jonnie Alderson

Convertible Unit                        1st Wednesday                David Hobbs

Directors Staff                            1st Friday                         Jimmy Sparks

Dune Buggy Unit                       1st Thurday                     David Cain

Greeters Unit                             1st Monday                     Wayne Dunaway

Ham Radio Unit                         1st Thrusday                   Bobby McGill

Hillbilly Unit                                1st Friday                         Mike Lann

Legends                                      1st Thursday                  David Weeks

Motor Corps                              1st Thursday                   Ralph Weeks  

Parade Nobels                           1st Thursday                  Gary Stamps

Photo Unit                                  1st Thursday                  Ron Creamer

Provost Guard                           1st Thursday                  James Vaughn

Ramblers                                    1st Mon                          Paul Vaugn

Riders                                         1st Thursday                  Bill Turk

Skat Kats                                    1st Thursday  7:30 PM  Greg Hanvey

TrailBlazers                                1st Friday                       Frank Harper P.P.

Vagabonds                                 1st Friday                       Louis Mayo